Young soldiers first time gay videos

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That's a very small sect of that community.' 'People see me and what I accomplished and they find out later (that he's gay) and are like, 'What?' Not every gay person bends their wrists and wears pink shirts and flits around.

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'I want to be seen as a person and what I've accomplished and the hard work I've put into things,' Johnson said, 'not what I happen to do in the privacy of my home. In four short years, Johnson became qualified in Air Assault, Pathfinder, received a Combat Action Badge, went to language school for Dari (a variety of Persian Farsi spoken in Afghanistan), and was a sniper team leader for a scout platoon. He worked in politics for many years before deciding to enlist. I want to know every minute detail about it.' My entire room is shelves of international affairs, defense strategies, foreign policies. 'I always wanted to do it,' Johnson said. Johnson has wanted to be in the Army since he was a little boy.

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Kyle Johnson, 29, is now in the Army Reserve but was active duty from 2009 to 2013 at Fort Campbell in 1st Battalion, 502nd Infantry Regiment, 2nd Brigade Combat Team.

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