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“The good news is, all during construction we were able to perform,” Managing Director Dan Murphy said Wednesday. The company began to plan for the expansion in 2017 and had planned to begin construction in April 2020, but didn’t break ground until May 2021. Like a lot of things, the expansion - which includes a new costume shop and bigger scenic shop, much-needed administrative offices, and the Ellyn Bye Rehearsal Hall - was delayed by the pandemic. MONDAY WAS RIBBON-CUTTING DAY for Broadway Rose, the 30-year-old Tigard theater company that is one of Oregon’s foremost homes for musical theater: At long last its $3.4 million expansion of its New Stage complex in an old public school building is open for business.

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Photo courtesy Broadway Rose Theatre Company.

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Managing Director Dan Murphy cuts the ribbon and Producing Artistic Director Sharon Maroney cheers at Monday’s open-house unveiling of the $3.4 million expansion project.

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